Put a Smile on God’s Face

Acts 10:1-2 At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion…a devout man who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God.

Want to please the Lord? Fear God. Pray continually. And give generously.

“I wish I hadn’t been so generous,” said no one. Ever. Generosity makes us all feel good. I have a friend who exudes generosity. Big-heartedness seems to come to her instinctively, as if speaking a second language. I’ve been to her home on several occasions when little kids have been present. They can’t leave her house without a bag of goodies she concocts for them. But her generous spirit extends beyond material goods. She never withholds love from hurting people and quickly shows mercy to those whom others write off. I believe her giving puts a smile on God’s face.

The more we practice generosity, the more natural it becomes. But escaping from a “me-first’ mentality might take a LOT of practice. The world runs rife with slogans like “you do you” and “prioritize your happiness.” Only in knowing we’re created for something much higher than pleasing ourselves, can we resist the current cultural winds.

God designed us to be generous. Did you know the Bible refers to giving over 1200 times? The story of Cornelius demonstrates its powerful ripple effect. This Gentile soldier was God-fearing, prayerful and generous. An angel appeared to him with the message that God heard his prayers and remembered his generosity (Acts 10:4; 31). The result: when Peter preached the good news, Cornelius became the first Gentile converted to Christianity. Talk about a ripple effect. Thank you, Cornelius, from a Gentile believer living a few centuries later!

We consider these few weeks to be “the season of giving.” Ministries ask for end of year donations, Salvation Army bells chime with requests to sacrifice, we ponder over what to give loved ones. God provides ample opportunities for us to practice being generous. So don’t miss it.

I pray you take every opportunity to be a cheerful giver, not only this season, but habitually. Like Cornelius, you may never know this side of heaven the ripple effect of your sacrifice. But the more you practice generosity, the more you reflect the generous nature of our Father.

Go ahead, child of God. Put a smile on his face.



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