When Things Go South

2 Samuel 6:13 And when those who bore the ark of the Lord had gone six steps, he sacrificed an ox and a fattened animal. 

How do you react when things go south? What you hoped for, prayed for, believed for, collapses before the finish line. You’re left standing in a lane of confusion at best, bitterness at worst. Similar to King David when he tried to move the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.

His desire to bring God’s presence to the center of Israel would both restore proper worship and unite the nation. He had a pure motive, and was following God’s will, but doing the right thing the wrong way resulted in disaster. Rather than adhering to the Levitical instruction to carry the Ark on the shoulders of the Levites, David placed the Ark on a cart pulled by a pair of oxen. When the oxen stumbled and the Ark started to fall, one of the priests, Uzzah, grabbed hold of it.  He died immediately.

David had played fast and loose with showing reverence to God.  The consequences filled him with anger, fear and unanswered questions. “How can the ark of the Lord come to me?” he lamented (2 Sam 16:9). But three months later, he tried again. Not only did he move the Ark in prescribed fashion, he had the priests stop every six steps so he could offer sacrifices to the Lord! Mission accomplished.

David readjusted his thinking.

When we face failure or disappointment, God will always give us the opportunity to readjust. Why? Because he is the God of second chances. David didn’t get it right the first time. Often we don’t either. We can either stubbornly refuse to admit our mistakes (and blame everyone else), sink into despondency, or readjust our thinking.

Trust me, I know how it feels when things go south. I think I’m following God’s will, but end up realizing I was only seeing “through a glass darkly” (1 Cor. 13:12). I didn’t have the full picture. I had to readjust my thinking. And God, in his grace, gives me the opportunity try again.

Friend, don’t let your unmet expectations stall you on your path of becoming more like Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit show you where you need to readjust, then turn your compass northward.


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