Natural Disasters

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
 though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah.

I’m wearing my “Asheville, North Carolina” sweatshirt today. But I don’t need a piece of clothing to remind me of the aftermath of Helene. Reports of the devastation, not only in Asheville, but in small surrounding communities, are heart breaking. I’m grateful Helene’s tentacles didn’t reach us here in the northeast, but because my husband and I visited Asheville a few months ago, it feels close to home.

I think of the trolley driver who gave us a free ride downtown. Did he make it through the storm? The beautiful quaintness of the Biltmore Village where we ate dinner one night, lies in ruins. And videos show Asheville residents watching in horror as the muddy French Broad River engulfed the entire River Arts District we toured. How do you replace original paintings, sketches, and woodwork? One man, although without water or electricity, said he was sleeping in his downtown art studio to protect it from looters.

Disasters like this bring out the best and worst in us humans.

But what about God? Where is he when catastrophes like this take their toll? Some believe God sends natural disasters to punish us. Some see calamities as wake up calls. Others think God doesn’t intervene in human affairs at all. We may never know this side of heaven why a sovereign God allows floods and fires and earthquakes. Or evil to seemingly go unchecked. But of this we can be assured:

The God who created all things, the God whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts, the God who loves people more than we can imagine, is the God who redeems. He will bring incomprehensible good out of every awful thing we experience.

Even though the trees surrounding Asheville trembled and downed power lines and electrical grids. Even though the roaring waters washed away priceless works of creativity, and even though some people will exploit others’ pain, God’s goodness remains unshakeable.

I pray for you who are experiencing unfathomable loss. Turn to the One who promises to be your refuge, your strength, your very present help in trouble. Selah.

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