Expect Yourself To Change

Ephesians 4:22-23 to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

Transformation takes time.

We recently met a couple for coffee who moved out of the area several years ago. We walked with them in their early days when they first came to Christ. All the highs and lows of church life, family life and personal challenges made for a rich relational history. And as our conversation continued, undeniable evidence became clear: the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Seeds planted years ago were now bearing fruit—choice fruit like more grace, more humility, more love for Jesus and people.

Not long after that encounter, I met up with another friend I hadn’t seen in a while. In our conversation, I noticed significant changes in how she described handling circumstances that a few years ago would have been devastating. Rather than drowning in the undercurrent, she’s riding the wave, bearing fruit that comes with following Jesus and “putting off” her old self.

It reminds me of when I run into a teenager who, when last seen, was in grade school. My, how you’ve grown! Well, duh. What would you expect? Should we anticipate anything less from those who experienced new birth?

Many of our most significant changes occur in increments. As believers longing to be more like Jesus, sometimes we can feel like no change is occurring at all. Not that again! That flare of anger, that flicker of jealousy, that flagrant disobedience.

Yet all the while, we keep heading toward the finish line.

Paul admonishes us to be intentional about “putting on our new selves.” It may, however, take a few seasons before our new nature starts to fit comfortably.  But don’t be discouraged. As you keep pursuing the Lord, allowing the Holy Spirit to do his work, you are being transformed into the person God created you to be. It’s righteous, holy, beautiful.

And worth the process. So no matter how long it takes, fellow believer, expect yourself to change. And while you’re at it, when you notice changes in other followers of Christ, encourage them in this most holy proces

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