Life In the Details

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Professional artists talk about the importance of details in a painting. They point out how the specific colors, shadows and strokes create the story and bring life to the canvas. Without the right amount of minutiae, works of art would appear dull and boring.

I like to think of God as the Master Artist. He gives us the opportunity to sketch our days. Then, if we ask, he helps us fill in all the little details. Details that breathe vitality and color into ordinary black and white days. Like on our recent vacation.

My husband and I made our plans. First, a stop in North Carolina to visit our daughter-in-law’s parents. Then we headed to Asheville for a few days of exploring before going to be with family in Nashville and on to Ohio. Each day, I prayed, “Lord, here’s our plans, now you direct our steps.”

And the Holy Spirit did just that. He filled each day with shades of everything from awe-inspiring beauty, to simple, surprising highlights. For example, our first evening in Asheville we were walking across the street when a kid started belting out lyrics to a song as he high-fived my quizzical looking husband. I recognized the song as one from a band our son manages—Chip was wearing a t-shirt with their name emblazoned across his chest!

The Lord etched hues of joy into little things like going for frozen yogurt, sliding down the kiddie water slide with our grandson, and laughing ourselves silly playing Phase 10. By the time we returned home, our hearts were filled with warm memories. Not because everything went smoothly, but because the Lord had directed our steps.

Proverbs 16 says God uses everything for his purposes. Even the wicked for the day of trouble (v.4)! When our ways please him, he makes even our enemies be at peace with us (v. 7). He promises to give us wisdom and understanding as we come to him with humble hearts (v. 16-19). And if we commit our plans to him, we will succeed (v. 3).

So why not ask him to lead us in the details of our lives? Why not let him turn our ordinary days into a Rembrandt or Michelangelo? Trust him in the details, friend.

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