Love Means Never Having To Say “You’re Wrong”

1 John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.  Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

One of the most popular catch phrases to ever come out of Hollywood hails from the 1970’s movie Love Story.  You’re probably familiar with the icky-sticky line, Love means never having to say you’re sorry. It ranks right alongside “Go ahead. Make my day, May the force be with you, and My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die, as most quotable quotes from movie-land.

If the essence of love lies in never apologizing for our mistakes, then I’m afraid we’re in for a lot of shallow relationships.

But what about the redefinition of love taking place in the current culture? Now days, loving someone means you completely and unquestionably embrace that person’s desires, dreams and lifestyles. If you disagree, you’re labeled a bigot. Because in today’s world disagreement= judgment. And judgment = hate.

Sometimes “you’re wrong” is the most loving thing we could say. The mantra of “love is love” may sound gracious and kind, but it’s neither gracious nor kind to affirm people when their emotions lead them further away from the source of true love. The unshakeable source of love that stays standing when all other loves fade. Love that remains even when we dismiss it. Even when we reject it. Even when we nail it to a cross.

God is love. All love originates from him, whether we acknowledge it or not. God calls those who follow him to walk in love. And scripture gives us a clear definition of what that love looks like. It is patient and kind, neither self-seeking nor proud. True love doesn’t rejoice in wrongdoing but in truth (1 Corinthians 13). And the greatest expression of love comes when we lay down our life for a friend (John 15:13).

So when you hear someone say something like, “A loving God would never let certain things happen” or “He wouldn’t deny me something that feels so good,” don’t buy it. Consider the viewpoint. Let’s not allow people who don’t know the source of love define it. Go with those who know God. Who know God is love.


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