In Limbo

Acts 1:7-8 He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses…”

Ever felt like you’re stuck in limbo? It’s that in-between time when one door has closed but the next door hasn’t quite opened. A lot of high school and college students are receiving diplomas right now. Diplomas ushering them right into limbo-land. The question of “What’s next?”  signals either adventure or anxiety.  

I admit I struggle with seasons when I’m in limbo. I’ll take certainty over uncertainty any day. Yet much of life consists of waiting. Waiting and trusting.

Right before Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples asked him when he was going to restore the kingdom. He was about to leave them, and I guess they didn’t want to be left in limbo. But he told them there’s something more important than defining the future. Receive the power of the Holy Spirit so you can be my witnesses. This meant going back to the Upper Room and waiting for the Spirit to come. Waiting and trusting.

What would have happened had they not waited? Had they not remained faithful in that time of limbo? I’m certain they would not have “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). But they did what the Lord told them to do, and the world changed forever.

I’ve been experiencing a time of limbo recently. I can’t see what’s next but here’s the key. I’m learning to draw on the power of the Holy Spirit to trust God at a deeper level. And the more I trust him, the less I need to know things like “when are you going to restore the kingdom?” I can be his faithful witness even, or maybe especially, in the waiting time. It causes me to lean in closer and let his refining fire prepare me for whatever the next step might be.

So friend, if you are experiencing a season of limbo right now don’t be discouraged. Let God use it to deepen your confidence in his plan. Draw on the power of the Holy Spirit to help you be his faithful witness as you wait. As you wait and trust.


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