
Song of Solomon 2:4 “…and his banner over me was love.”

I have read and studied the Song of Solomon many times over the years. In fact, at one point, my Bible would automatically fall open to its pages because I referenced it so much. Recently, I’ve been rereading it and for the first time I noticed the abbreviation for the book: S.O.S. I couldn’t help but think what an appropriate acronym.

We all recognize S.O.S. as a call of distress. Those in trouble send the signal and hope help is on the way. But what about those cries that emanate from our souls? What about our spiritual S.O.S.’s? The Song of Solomon describes the love between Solomon and his bride, but it extends much deeper in depicting the love between Christ and his bride, the Church. The love of God is the answer to our S.O.S.

Really. No stronger force in the universe exists than the love of God. It burns so fiercely that a gazillion tons of water can’t quench it, floods can’t drown it (SOS 8:6-7). Paul says not death, nor life, not angels, rulers nor anything in creation can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39). No matter what threatens us, we can prevail through the relentless power of God’s love.

Like a banner waving over us, his love declares victory in all our circumstances (SOS 2:4). The more we grasp God’s love, the more clearly we see life. We know because he loves us, he will use every failure, every mistake, every disappointment, for a higher purpose. The bride came up from the wilderness leaning on her lover (8:5). The tests she encountered in the desert purified her and increased her dependence on him. It’s the same with us. God will take our hard things and turn them into something beautiful.

So I’ve been sending out an S.O.S. asking God to reveal more of his love…to the people in Ukraine. To my friend battling cancer. S.O.S. to those overwhelmed with responsibilities, to others unable to escape past mistakes. And to all you who, like me, long to be more rooted and grounded in his love.

It’s hard to read the Song of Solomon without concluding God is crazy about us. I hope you realize that. And I hope the flag flying over your heart signals his love.

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