Is God Mindful of Us?

Psalm 8:4 “what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” [ESV]

As I left the house for my daily two-mile walk, I knew it could start raining any minute. The forecast predicted a 60% chance and the looming clouds seemed to agree. But I made it around my block and right as I was opening the back door, it started to sprinkle. By the time I got to my desk, it was pouring. I had asked the Lord to hold off the rain—and he did. He knows how much those morning walks mean to me. They have become my sanctuary of prayer. Could I have suited up in rain gear and walked in the rain? Of course. Could I have simply prayed somewhere else in the house? Certainly. But this morning, God wanted me to know he was with me, caring for me, meeting me right where I was.

The Bible has answers. As Christians, we believe it contains the answers to all of life’s most pressing mysteries—Where did we come from? How do we find love? Is there meaning to my life? But lately I’ve been thinking about the many questions asked in the Bible. Questions posed by God, by psalmists, by Jesus. These questions contain a treasure chest of insights about the God we love. One especially came to mind as I watched the tardy rain fall that morning.

In Psalm 8, David asks God “what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” David expresses his awe at the majesty of God’s creation. In light of his splendor and majesty, David wonders why he would pay attention to puny man. Why would he put us fallen creatures in charge of his glorious creation?

Why would he hold off the rain for me? Thoughts of God’s greatness should bring us all to our knees. But if we focus only on his incomprehensible magnitude and miss the personal side, I’m afraid we forfeit the relationship he longs to have with us. He will meet each of us right where we are to communicate how much he cares.

Friend, don’t ever think God is not mindful of you. Scripture voices the question so we could be sure of the answer.



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