Stewarding Your Sphere

Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before all men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” [ESV]

We all have one. But each differs in size and scope. They can be broad or narrow. As varied as 11,000 followers on Instagram to six people sitting around the kitchen table. Jesus encourages us to shine our light in them, so they’re important. What are they?

Our spheres of influence.

We don’t have the resources to respond to every request that lands in our mailbox or inbox. If we had to pray for all the needs in the world, we would never get off our knees. But we do have a circle of family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. They include the people who belong in our spheres of influence. Spheres, author John Stonestreet writes, we are called to steward.

We don’t always recognize the importance of our spheres, so we often miss seeing the difference we can make. We consider the movers and shakers of the world limited to the rich and powerful, the politicians, the celebrities and CEO’s. But we ought never overlook our part. Stewarding our spheres is not about success; it’s about faithfulness.

I recently read the report of an 88-year-old woman who has been waving to schoolchildren from her window every day for the last twelve years. When word spread she was moving to an assisted-living home, over 400 children gathered in her front yard to wave goodbye. They held signs and blew kisses to let her know how much her simple act of kindness had meant to them.

Bob Goff writes in Everybody Always how he likes to drive to his local In-N-Out and buy about 20 hamburgers. Then he goes to the city and distributes them. It inspired me so much that I bought Welch’s fruit snacks and bags of trail mix. Now when I see someone on the side of the road asking for food, I’m prepared to help, even if in a small way.

I know a woman who sends cards to people in need of encouragement, some of whom she knows, and some she’s never met. She’s faithfully been at it for over 45 years.

Jesus expects us to steward our spheres. So what are we waiting for? Let’s get out there and  shine some light!

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