2 Chronicles 30:22-23 “…For the seven days they ate their assigned portion and offered fellowship offerings and praised the Lord, the God of their ancestors. The whole assembly then agreed to celebrate the festival seven more days; so for another seven days they celebrated joyfully.”
Have you ever heard the term “party like a Christian?” Neither have I….
But the very foundation of our faith reflects a God who calls for celebrations, and lots of them. Those Israelites knew how to party. When King Hezekiah called the people of Israel to celebrate the Passover, they were so filled with joy they decided to extend the celebration for another seven days. And God was pleased. He approved of his people celebrating his goodness for a full two weeks!
Actually, in the Old Testament, Israel was commanded to celebrate seven God-ordained holidays amounting to thirty days a year. If weekly Sabbaths are included, the number rises to eighty! According to author Randy Alcorn, the “main reason for celebrations is to help us recognize and enjoy God’s goodness.” I’d call that a pretty worthy purpose.
Can you imagine that happening today?
I think we do the world a great disservice when we fail to incorporate God-centered celebration into our lives. Yes, sin and sorrow floods us. We live in a world wrought with injustice, suffering and heartache. All the more reason for believers to demonstrate in spite of all the bad things surrounding us, good will not be eclipsed. God promises light will always overcome darkness. And’s that’s something that should cause us to click our heels and break out the wine of gladness.
The world describes those who “party hardy” as celebrating without restraint, of entering a type of self-indulgent free-fall. I think it’s about time for us to take back the definition.
Let’s party hardy, my Christian friends. Celebrate God’s goodness. Sing, dance, shout for joy. The world remains gloomy, but we look beyond its restrictions. Jump right in the “river whose streams make glad the city of God” (Psalm 46:4). Join with all of God’s creation—heavens, earth, sea—and rejoice (Psalm 96:11). Be happy and full of joy, because the Lord has done a wonderful thing (Joel 2). Go ahead…Party hardy…
Party like a Christian!