Psalm 142:2 “I pour out before him my complaint; before him I tell my trouble.”
Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer! That bids me from a world of care…
How incredible to know we have someone who always makes time to hear us. Someone who doesn’t pull out a smartphone and start texting while we’re pouring out our heart. Who never says, “I’ll get back to you” before we’ve even finished our sentence.
When we cry out to God, we are not calling up an imaginary friend, an icon or someone who wields no authority to help us. We are not spilling out our guts to someone who isn’t filled with compassion for our plight. We are praying to a God who listens….
He listens…..when unbelief seeps through our desperation.
He listens…..when confusion overrides peace.
He listens…..when we’re holding on by a fingernail.
He listens…..when no one else will.
David’s prayer in Psalm 142 makes it clear he was well acquainted with God’s listening ear. He who had been the delight of Israel is now forced to hide in a cave to avoid Saul’s insane pursuit of his life. In great distress, abandoned by friends, the rejection and betrayal overwhelm him. But rather than blame God for his predicament—he turns to him. Fully.
He tells him all about his trouble. Isn’t that interesting? He knows God perceives every detail, but he finds it necessary to lay it all out before him. David bares his soul and discovers a new dimension of intimacy. His exposure before God leads him to a sense of safety and security, as well as a place of faith: he vows to tell everyone about God’s goodness in delivering him. His sweet hour of prayer cemented his trust in the Lord.
What an example for us to emulate. When life gets hard, we should not hesitate to tell God all about it. We ought not hold back. Although he already knows what we’re going through, we need to tell him. Our transparency before him will increase our trust. And trust in the God who listens sets us on a sweet road…
And since He bids me seek His face, believe His Word and trust His grace, I’ll cast on Him my every care, and wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!