Positions Of Trust


images (31)1 Chronicles 9:22 “The gatekeepers had been assigned to their positions of trust….”

My daily Bible reading had taken me to Chronicles. I love reading the word of God, but I have to admit, I tend to fleet through the long lists of genealogies. However, nine and a half chapters into it, my eyes were drawn to this gem…positions of trust. I couldn’t let go of that simple phrase. It refers to the gatekeepers given the task of guarding the doors of the Tent where all the treasures of Israel were housed. The idea of having a position defined by trust struck me as something invaluable.

You—as God’s child—have been given a position of trust. Maybe others haven’t trusted you. Maybe you barely trust yourself. Perhaps for good reason. Yet, there is One who still believes in you. He calls you to carry out assignments designed to bring him glory. Consider it an honor and privilege to be given a position of trust.

God entrusts each of us with freewill. Within our capacity to make decisions lies the power to determine our eternal destiny. Our choices have an effect on history, and our Creator has chosen to let us partner with him in writing it….placing us in a position of trust.

God has also entrusted us with blessings innumerable. The husband (or wife) we thought would never come, the baby we prayed for year after year, landing the job of our dreams, success—all potential rivals that could steal our hearts from worshiping him alone. He risks we will not come to love the gifts more than the Giver…again placing us in a position of trust.

Positions of trust arrive also in the form of suffering. When the shadow of the Fall looms over our path and pain shreds our hearts, the opportunity arises to grow beyond ourselves. Armed only with the promise of his word and the testimony of his faithfulness, we—like those gatekeepers of old—have the option to stand true and guard the treasure he has so richly deposited in our hearts or walk away. God trusts we will stay.

May you, and I, be worthy of this position of trust. May the quiet confidence the Lord has in us propel us into a deeper life of integrity in all our choices. Of gratitude in our blessings. Of faithfulness in our trials.


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