Receiving Immanuel, Part Three

christmAJohn 4:10 “Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.’”

Jesus told the Samaritan woman that he would have given her even more than she was asking for. He would have given her something substantial, something beyond her wildest dreams, something eternal.

I read an interesting comment the other day by A.B. Simpson, “We may pray much over a promise, and yet never obtain it. Asking is not taking.” If God has given us a promise, it is up to us to receive it. But how do we receive what we can’t see?

It is far easier to take the tangible requests. Things we can touch, taste, or hear aren’t hard to ascertain. This Christmas, squeals of delight will be offered over games and toys, gift cards to favorite restaurants, and long-desired items. Nothing too difficult about receiving those Ugg boots or latest ipod.

Receiving what we can’t grasp with our five senses requires something more. Asking moves to taking when our requests ignite with faith. We believe in the one “who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” We believe our “Father in heaven gives good gifts to those who ask him!” We believe “every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” What was once intangible bubbles up into “living water” and our deepest thirst is quenched.

If I could give you a gift this Christmas, I would encourage you to take God at his word. Drink deeply of the truth:  The unseen God who so longed for us to be with him, came in visible human form to show us the way….

Receive Immanuel…God with us.



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